Under 30s

Atención, all people under 30!

Equal opportunity and equal access to the tech scene is hard to come by, especially if you're studying or at the start of your career. TNW is bridging the gap between the new generation of professionals in the Spanish ecosystem, and the world of tech.

Kickstart your growth, regardless of your location, background, or monetary means, with our Under 30s Business Pass. You'll get access to high-quality content, learning sessions, endless networking opportunities, and valuable insights from 150+ experts in the tech industry.

Join thousands of like-minded tech enthusiasts, founders, product developers, digital natives, and industry disruptors to explore what role tech will play in the years ahead, and what part you can do to facilitate that.

TNW València offers the perfect opportunity for you to acquaint yourself with the tech industry, and enjoy the fiesta vibes while you're at it too!

*IDs will be checked at the entrance to confirm age.

Boost your career in tech

  • Gain experience

    Gain experience

    Get hands-on knowledge from leaders in the tech industry, attend workshops, join AMA's, and bring a new tool, strategy, or process back to work or uni.

  • Find next steps

    Find next steps

    Connect with the best and brightest to discuss your career opportunities, and meet future business partners, collaborators, or team members.

  • Meet new friends

    Meet new friends

    Build your network of industry peers, get socializing during our networking drinks, and take the Ferris Wheel for a spin with your new friends.

  • Love every minute

    Love every minute

    TNW València is a tech event that has the benefits of a conference, with the energy of a festival. From talks and workshops, to drinks and DJ sets, we have it all!